We care about the future
Working sustainably means putting your money where your mouth is.

For more than a century, we have spent our days building towards the future. And we will continue to do so. In view of the future of our Planet Earth and future generations, our employees and our partners take sustainability very serious. We care about the future.

Download our sustainability statement.

We have always felt that the future of humanity and our environment is a core concern, which is why we have been operating sustainably for over a century. This applies to our entire organisation, as well as to our partners.
Saving power
By using the best possible insulation in our buildings, using low-power lighting and electric vehicles, and only using power when it is strictly necessary, we strive to minimise our CO2 output as much as possible.
We prefer to work with partners who strive for sustainability as much as we do. This applies to their production processes, the transport they use and the working conditions they uphold.
We prefer carriers and transport operators who are committed to sustainable entrepreneurship and minimising their CO2 output. This further supports our own quest for sustainability.
Production processes
Throughout our production processes, we are constantly keeping an eye out for environmental impact and how to minimise it. This also extends to waste management and recycling.
Quality & Certification
Benefit from our 100 years' worth of experience

Sustainable partnerships

The Zakkencentrale Group is continuously working on improving sustainability and reducing our CO2 footprint. We prefer to work with organisations who strive for sustainability as much as we do and who really act accordingly. For example, we use carriers who have implemented measures to reduce their CO2 output. Even when selecting manufacturers and suppliers, we select sustainable partners whenever possible. Sustainability is one of the main aspects we include in our audits when selecting partners.

Good manufacturing practicing

In addition to good working conditions for our staff, we value having a Good Manufacturing Practice for our products. This means that throughout the production process, we carefully check and record which (raw) materials are being used and how they have been tested, such as in terms of their environmental impact. The staff members involved must be properly trained and must be qualified to perform the activities in question. Moreover, the production environment must be set up in such a way as to minimise environmental impact throughout the entire production process and logistical process.

Packaging your sustainable world?
We would love to guide you on your way.

To work together, giving you your packaging solutions for repacking, storing or transporting your products, we will need more information on what you want to do with your products.

Please fill out the accompanying form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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