Big Bags
Big Bags
We provide various kinds of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs), better known as Big Bags.
Big Bags (FIBCs)

We provide various kinds of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs), better known as Big Bags.

No matter the industry you operate in, we can help you find the right packaging solution for your specific circumstances. We have over 100 years' worth of experience, enabling us to recommend the perfect solution for every desired application. We have a wide range of Big Bags with different numbers of hoisting loops (1 to 10) and different versions, such as our Q-Big Bag with its dimensional stability, our anti-static Big Bags, Big Bags with liners and/or double-layered ones. We can supply our Big Bags with or without a coating, fully dustproof or with a UN certification. With or without print, our Big Bags are suitable for a wide range of applications. From collecting and shipping bulk goods, gravel, sand, debris and waste to storing and shipping foodstuffs or chemicals. Anything's possible. Depending on your needs or requirements, we can recommend the perfect Big Bag for you.

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Fusion Big Bag

Our Fusion Big Bag is a new product. These Big Bags are not seamed together, but glued together.

Fusion is the perfect solution to any issue with traditionally seamed Big Bags. As they are not seamed together, there are neither puncture holes nor leaks. Fusion enables the use of standard pallet sizes, material processing bins and optimal use of container space. Every Fusion Bag is subjected to a patented, non-destructive stress test prior to being shipped. Fusion Bags offer consistent quality, with no human error, enabling reliable delivery schedules and requiring less storage space. They are most suitable for the foodstuffs, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
